Male Appreciation #5

12:10 PM

This post is related to Father’s Day which was this Sunday that just passed. I love to see men with kids.

It could be a man with an itty bitty baby and carrying the baby bag or holding the hands of their 5 or 6 year old. I guess it is because historically women were the primary caregivers while men either went out hunting, farming, going to the factory or to the office. So it’s not a surprise that kids gravitate to their mothers, but when I see a man with a child, I feel all warm inside.

To me that show the man is a real man. He accepts his responsibility and in some cases the responsibility of another man and makes the conscious decision to be in the life of his kid(s). That is beautiful.

On Monday night, on a local radio program, a caller said he was always put off when people told him that they were proud to see him taking his kids out to a restaurant. He said that is was only doing what he was suppose to be doing. The this is in this day and age a lot of men are not being there for their kid(s), so when people see a man being a man, it’s a welcome change that they feel should be applauded.

Now, some people might see it as being girly or woman’s work and blah, blah, blah, but let me share a thought with you. A man who can take on the roles of a woman, be it cooking, wearing the colour pink, dressing well, (I know sucky examples) and still be a man in every respect, he is very attractive. That is more attractive than men going overboard trying to convince people that he is a man.

So, men who are in their kid(s) life/lives, who looks after their emotional, as well as financial needs and give their kid(s) a good example of what a man should be, I appreciate you.

Now I couldn't help myself, so enjoy these pics I got from weheartit.

I have to admit that some of these pics got me teary eyed.

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