Mi-A-Mi, Kim and Two Blow Jobs
3:27 PMA couple years ago I started reading novels by Zane and I will not lie to you she is an erotica author, but her stories are not run of the mill. They would captivate you, keep you turning those pages to see what happens and at times surprise you.Anyway, I was reading Nervous and the alter-ego of the main character had ordered a special drink called a Blow Job. It is served in a shot glass and to drink it, one must put both hands behind one's back, put one's lips around the glass and toss the drink back. Now, at the time, I thought it would be funny to order this drink at a bar. Unfortunately, not many bartenders know the drink, much less make it. Why is that always the case, you come across and interesting drink, either on the internet or a book and no one knows how to make it. It's as if, you have to take the recipe around with you, but you know how busy and light deprived bars are so that is out of the question. I am drifting.
Anyway, my sister and I were visiting our brother in the USVI and while at karaoke we decided to order blow jobs. Luck of lucks the bartender knew how to make it. So among our brother's friends we ordered blow jobs. My sis, God bless her heart, drank the drink as it was intended to be drunk. I used my hands. So, of course, there were a lot of ooohs and aaahs. Then we turned to one of our brother's close friends and asked if he would like to try it. Of course, he said no. If you think a Cosmopolitan is a girlie drink, imagine a Blow Job. So there we are saying "You sure you don't want a blow job?" "It's really good." Then a female friend of our brother came along and heard the back end of the conversation and was to say the least shocked and confused. We got a good laugh out of it. It still puts a smile on my face remembering it. Ah, good times.
Anyway, here is the recipe for making a Blow Job. You might have to try drinking it twice. The first time to enjoy the experience of drinking it and the second time to actually taste it. It is pretty good. Enjoy!!
- 3/4 oz. Irish Cream (Bailey's)
- 3/4 oz. Kahlua
- Top with Whipped cream
Shot Glass
Mixing Instructions
This drink is strictly for the ladies! Combine Kahlua and Bailey's in a shot glass, and top with a puff of whipped cream. It must be shot without using your hands!
Now there are a lot of recipes out there, but I got this one from Drinknation.com and what is cool about this sight is that it also has the Nutritional Information at the side, if you are worried about that kind of stuff.