
TED Thursday #2

3:58 PM

Welcome to another installment of Ted Thursday.

I came upon this talk from the last weeks Ted Thursday. I found it interesting because it is still one of the concepts that I have to adapt, developing products for a particular niche as opposed to trying to market to a large group. I also like the idea that people do not know what the really like. They may say they like one thing, but after sampling a different versions of that thing they are able to identify what the really like. I just had a thought, should one live their life in that vein, where they experience a multitude of things and from doing that identify and continue to enjoy the things the like? Something worth thinking about.

Anyway, the description of the talk is as follows:

Tipping Point author Malcolm Gladwell gets inside the food industry's pursuit of the perfect spaghetti sauce -- and makes a larger argument about the nature of choice and happiness.

And here is the talk:

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