
Timothy Bloom - 'Til The End Of Time ft. V

10:54 AM

A couple months ago, I announced that I was going to grow out my hair for a year and I'll be honest I've been having doubts. I'm not used to having hair on my head of any length. Yes, I'm learning about what my natural hair is all about but I'm often tempted to going to a barber, any barber, and cutting the whole thing off. But I yield not to temptation, then I see this video and the temptation is there front and center. I actually cried out "My hair!!"

Now before you play this video, let me inform you that the man and woman are in the nude. Just a disclaimer.

I'll be honest, I like the video, I'm not saying I love the video, but I liked it. I had to watch it twice, once to take in the visuals (I'm a visual person) and the second time to actually listen to song. I also love the fact that it shows black people naked in an artistic way. Not in a way that screams sex, like a lot of music videos do. Also great to see a realistic black female nude. When I say this I mean we would see an artistic rendition of a black nude in a fashion magazine, but the model is not a true representation of a black woman. The model would have long legs, thin thighs and a small backside. The woman in the video is what a real black woman's body looks like and it shows that it is beautiful. I hope this opens the door for the media to look at a regular black woman's body, you know what regular woman's body, be they white, black, asian, indian, our bodies are beautiful.

Just my thoughts.

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