
Satorial Sounds

12:36 PM

To say I'm a fan of Street Etiquette is an understatement. I'm always checking out their tumblr because the imagery and I am growing to love well dressed men. Anyway, the last time I was on the tumblr I found this download that reminds me why I love spoken word. I’ve been writing poetry for years now and for a while thought it was relegated to books and magazines. Then Def Poetry Jam came out and I saw the movie “So I Married An Axe Murderer” that opened my mind to the potential of poetry shared through speech. I especially liked it when it was set to music.

This is the clip and you can download it from here

You can go here to the Street Etiquette for more info on this wonderful collaboration of artists.

And I can’t do this post without the clip from the movie I mentioned above.

Also, this is one of the things in life that makes me genuinely happy. Back in FIT, I would listen to a Jazz station while I did my work in my room. One day, they played this collaboration with a poet and a jazz band and it was an aha moment. A moment that you enjoy and cherish and you leave yourself open to experience it again. I experience it live when one of the organizers for Expressions: Poetry at the Pub, Zahra Airall, read one of her pieces while Promise, a talented local singer/musician/songwriter, played guitar. I don’t know about the others but I enjoyed it completely. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time or energy to pursue that form of art form right now, hopefully in the future.

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