
Food Porn #12

2:29 PM

The other day my mom turned to me and asked why all of a sudden I'm so into food. Truth be told, I think I was always into food. I remember that when I was a kid I used to bake cakes and cup cakes every Sunday (from the cake mix, shhh). I don't know why but every time I did the cakes they came out great, the right amount of moisture, just the the right amount of spongieness (yes, new word, people!). I even did a little business of selling the cakes to a family friend who ran a restaurant. Unfortunately, I stopped baking on the regular and I got intimidated by cooking a little, but I'm over it now and I'm all into trying new recipes. I also found another bookmarking site called Punch Fork, that is where I found the following pics and recipes. Bon Appetit!!

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