7:54 AM

What was it, about 8 years ago, I went to Canada with my friend and her family and I visited LUSH for the first time. I liked it but I didn't like it. I liked the handmade nature of it, but I didn't like the corporate nature of it. Anyhoo, I'm visiting my sister with my family as she was graduating and I went into the LUSH store at the mall.

The sales person was friendly but I don't think she realized that I was stoned by the amount of food I just ate. She offered me a treatment that was complimentary. I figured what the hey.

The first thing she gooped on my hands was Creme Anglaise, it was thick and creamy, and it took a while to rub in, granted I had a lot. It was moisturising and left my hands very soft and silky.

Then there was this scrub that she put on which I am having a problem finding on their site. And this was new to me scrubbing another part of my body that was not my face. This was definitely something I'm going to try more often.

Then there was something else, don't ask me what, but it was moisturising. In the end my hands felt soft and silky. I liked it!

What I didn't like so much was the prices. Yes, yes and yes, I am paying for handmade products that are made a certain way, but they are also pricing themselves out of a market. For instance the only size the Creme Anglaise comes in is 7.9oz, why don't they make a smaller size. They size would last me a lifetime because I would only use it the most once a month when I'm pampering myself. Now if they was a smaller size, I would be able to afford it and would not have to worry that it would go bad, as I'm not using it everyday and it would guarntee I would be back for a refill. Don't get me wrong their products are great but they really have to think of proportions so that they get a great cross section of the society. Also think of it this way, why sell the 7.9oz product to 3 people when you can sell a 4oz product to 20. I'm just saying.

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