11:11 AMThrough one of my Facebook friends, I discovered this blog, called Design Scene and I joined their group. I must say it is one of the things I enjoy seeing in my news feeds. Here is the description that is found on it's blog:
Design Scene is your daily fashion, style and design update, giving you the best of fashion glossy and international runways with a unique mix of design articles, which will besides fashion show you fascinating architecture, interior, industrial and commercial design. Last month Design Scene readers browsed through 600 000 pages on our blog, thank you all for the continuing support.
A couple days ago, I was going through my news feeds and there was a Design Scene news feed with Alex Wek, who so happens to be one of my favourite models because she is so dark and it's nice to see a dark skin model. I clicked on the link and fell in love with the pics. I love the rich colours, I love the contrasts, it is simply divine. I am limited with time so below are the pics and my favourite is the last one. The great thing is seeing these pushes me to design.
P.S. Her hair is so Noisette.