Actors I Like - Peter Mensah
4:17 PMEvery now and then I would see an actor and I would be think to myself, "Oh yeah, I like this guy." One such actor is Peter Mensah. To me he is a true working actor because I don't think of him as an actor playing a particular role. Here's an example, there would be Denzel Washington would play say Malcolm X, but I would watch Peter Mensah and I would see that character. Another thing I like about him is that he has a very strong look. I loved him in 300. I could go on an on, but I'll stop here.
Here is a mini biography from IMDb:
Peter Mensah has been doing martial arts since he was 6 years old, growing up in St. Albans, England, just north of London. Mensah, who is in his early 30s, has only been acting for seven years. A former engineer, Mensah came to Canada 11 years ago. He'd worked for British Gas developing gas fields at Morecomb Bay and had done theatre in school. He comes from an academic family. His father, an architect, relocated with his mother to their native Ghana. He only has two younger sisters. Mensah emigrated from Britain to see the world and it was a toss up whether his destination would be Canada or Australia. The paperwork for Canada came through first
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