James McAvoy

I Was Split Going In: A Movie Review

Let me begin by saying I was split in going to watch this movie. Part of me wanted to see James McAvoy, I view him as an amazing actor and was looking forward to him playing multiple characters. But part of me didn't want to see a movie by M. Night Shyamalan. It Started With A Love Affair It was back in 1999,...

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Resident Evil Movie Review

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter-ish: A Movie Review

So I just finished watching Resident Evil: The Final Chapter and I will be honest with you, this is the first Resident Evil that I've watched all the way through. Granted at various times during the movie I questioned why I went, especially as I haven't watched a suspense filled or jump scare movie in a while. Still, I watched it and I'm...

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movie review

Star Wars Force Awakens - Movie Review

I was tempted to title this post "When a Trekkie goes to watch Star Wars" but I decided to keep it simple so I stuck to the usual. Anywhoo, last night went to see Star Wars Force Awakens and on a whole I felt "meh". First things first, The premise Thirty years after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, the galaxy faces a...

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Getting Old or Just Over It

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but I grew up retail. This means that to me Christmas was not only preparing and consuming copious amounts of food or exchanging gifts, it meant the lead up to Christmas Eve as people purchased gifts (and in the latter years personal effects to adorn themselves for the Christmas Eve lime or whatever fete has...

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Self Love

Worth More Than A Top Up

A few weeks ago at a get together, a friend was telling us about catching a female student performing fellatio on a male student. At the end of the act, the male student told the young lady that he has the number and went on his way (I'm paraphrasing). Now one would think that that meant he would be calling her at a...

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