
Not Easily Broken

7:24 PM

Let me begin by saying I'm not a religious person. I'm not an atheist but I can't outright denounce God. I think it all stems from my first church experience, or at least the first one I can remember. The minister was basically insulting the congregation calling them sinners and at that point I decided I was not having any of that. No sir. Unfortunately that closed my mind to all ministers and men of the cloth, that is until the church service before my graduation from the Antigua State College. The minister was not insulting but inspiring, a breath of fresh air actually. From his sermon I remembered one thing, the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.

Let me continue to say, I'm not a religious person, but I do enjoy T.D. Jakes. At least his sermons. I remember actually sitting and watching his show on one of those religious channels and feeling uplifted, but I don't really like the obvious (how do you say) pandering for money, religion as a business side to him.

As you can see I ramble more than a river.

Anyway, my dear friend in NYC called me last night about Chris Brown on Larry King and she mentioned that I watch Not Easily Broken. It's based on a novel by T.D. Jakes. So as there was a Tropical Storm in the area and I was home I watched it. I must say I liked it. Almost cried. I liked the visuals, the plot and the characters, and I liked the message. Nowadays it's so easy for people to get married and break up, it's nice to see a couple who genuinely love each other, who see where they have gone wrong and that shows that to make a relationship work they need to work. For more info check out the movie's site. Below is the trailer:

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