
From Tissue Holder to Purse - Tutorial

10:35 AM

Last Sunday I showed you the purses I made using the napkin holder tutorial in this post, and as promised here is the tutorial. As I said last week, I found this tutorial on how to make a tissue holder and I made it, then decided to take it one step further and make a purse with a keyring.

I started with the fabric of choice, the liner fabric and fusible interfacing cut in the dimensions : 6" x 7 1/2". I chose to use the interfacing because this particular fabric is incredibly light weight. The first deviation from the original tutorial is the addition of a zipper. I chose a contrasting colour for the liner fabric and the zipper because it complimented the main fabric and I tried a colour that was close to the main colour and it was quite ...... meh. LOL.

Iron the main fabric to the fusible interfacing. Line up the edge of the zipper to the edge of the main fabric with the front of the zipper facing the main fabric.

Place the liner fabric on top, ensuring that all the edges are lined up and sew.

Fold the main fabric so that its edge lines up with the other edge of the zipper.

Then fold the liner fabric and line up all the edges. At this stage you can pin the edges in place so that it is easier to sew.

Open up the zipper so that the main and liner fabric are laying on each other like below.

Sew the main and liner fabric at the top of the zipper where it lies flat.

Cut the edges off including the zipper. Sorry for the terrible pic, but you get the idea.

Flip the fabric so the right side is facing out. You can use a closed scissors or even a pen or pencil to push out the corners.

Press it flat with an iron, taking care to press neatly along the zipper.

Close the zipper just below the top. If you take the zipper too high, you will encounter some difficulty sewing along the top.

Take a small piece of fabric with the dimensions, 2" x 1 1/2", fold it and sew about 1/2" away from the fold. Turn it inside out and press with an iron.

 Sew the bottom of the purse, going over the sides with two rows of stitches. Then Fold the small tube of fabric in half and tuck it in at the top to one side of the zipper. Sew along the top, going over the entire top with two rows of stitches.
 In the original tutorial the bottom would have had a clean finish as it was tucked in, but as I had to make allowance for the zipper, a raw edge was left behind. So instead of leaving it raw, I used my pinking shears and cut along the bottom.

Now to turn it inside out. I will be honest and say that it isn't easy undoing a zipper from the wrong side, but the trick is to maneuver the tab of the zipper up and it will come down easily. Turn the purse inside out, close back the zipper and press with an iron, preferably along the corners and top and bottom. 

Voila a purse! Just loop a key ring through the loop and you are good to go.

If you have any questions about the tutorial, just leave a comment. Since I was a kid, I've always loved using my hands to make stuff and or taking things apart and putting them back together. Expect to see other tutorials but not on the regular, most likely once a month.

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