Another Male Revue

8:47 PM

So here I am thinking, should I put this up? What will my followers think? What kind of message am I sending? Then I came to the conclusion that this is my blog and to some degree it is a reflection of me, my thoughts and my experiences. So I will do this post.

Here are a couple of the guys:

Yes, it is another male revue, I'm not saying the number of times I've been before but I've gone to a few. Actually, I was swearing up and down that I would not go to another one on this island. Let me paint the picture, drunk women, majority of whom has never seen men of that caliber in real life and scantily clothe men, one of which was completely naked. I'm just saying it as it is. What truly disgusted me was how buck wild and lewd these ladies were, granted the show was two (2) hours late and there was an open bar.

Well the memories are fading and this is at Rush, so different clientele (perhaps), all I know is I will be in the back row and if any dancer comes I'm running. I will not be acting a fool for an audience of women I know I will meet in the street, this being such a small island.

To degree, I'm a little scared, but the die has been cast, the tickets have been bought.

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